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Thursday, Dec 31, 2020
In October, three tropical storms brought devastating consequences for the...
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019
School buildings have an integral role in communities as they not only...
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019
On October 29th, an earthquake of magnitude 6.6 shook the island of...
Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019
Rainy and monsoon seasons, as well as rising sea levels and deforestation...
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019
In this publication we intend to present you three softwares designed to...
Friday, Aug 02, 2019
USGS researchers state that 2019 is a year considered nearly–normal...
Friday, Jul 26, 2019
On July 4th and 5th of 2019, 6.4 and 7.1 magnitude earthquakes occurred in...
Friday, Jul 12, 2019
A powerful Mw 8.0 earthquake struck a remote area of the Amazon Jungle in...
Tuesday, Jul 24, 2018
Kilauea is considered the most active volcano in Hawaii, it has been...
