July 27, 2018 |
CAPRA Newsletter 2018 No. 4 |
New landslide tool available!
Get to know the Landslide ToolBox to obtain the safety factor against landslide for a specific condition of rainfall and seismic hazard using the infinite slope methodology approach. This tool is developed to be used in the free and open source QGIS software.
Hawaii on red alert after Kilauea volcano erupts
Kilauea is consider the most active volcano in Hawaii, it has been active since January 3rd of 1983 and it erupted the 17th of May of the current year. Hawaii is in alert because at any time, activity may become more explosive, increasing the intensity of ash production and producing ballistic projectiles.
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Villarrica, the town in Colombia that is falling apart
Colombian Geological Service (SGC) determined that Villariaca is at risk due to its proximity to the “El Botadero” stream and the mechanical properties of the ground. As well, they confirmed that the stability of most structures is critical due to the cracks that they present, that the town has been moving 14 millimeters each year and that in the last 2 years the effects of the landslides have affected 5000 habitants, which represent de 80% of the population.
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Guatemala, lava vs pyroclastic Flow
The recent eruption of Fuego volcano in Guatemala was so destructive due to the pyroclastic flow, a mix of ash, rock and volcanic gases that are more dangerous than the slow creep of lava.
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Osaka earthquake, kills 5 and hurts hundreds
The earthquake near osaka, Japan, affected the city strongly it caused deaths, injuries , building damage, and transport caos.
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